UNHCR GBV Prevention Facilitation Package

Publisher: UNHCR

Date Published: 2023

Languages: English, Español, Français, عربي

The UNHCR Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Facilitation Package is a resource designed to enhance the understanding and capacity of GBV primary prevention. This package comprises three modules, primarily targeting UNHCR and its partners' GBV specialists and protection workforce. The package assumes a prior understanding of GBV basic concepts and principles and consists of presentations, facilitator notes, and activity sheets. Module 1 addresses root causes of GBV, introduction to prevention approaches, key programming elements, and outcome measurement. Modules 2 and 3 focus on program models, engagement of women, girls, men, and boys, and optional action planning (available soon).

Main Contribution

It provides essential guidance and tools for both GBV specialists and non-specialists working with or for UNHCR.

Here are some key components of the toolkit:

  • Operational Guidance: Responding to the health and protection needs of people selling or exchanging sex in humanitarian settings.

  • Gender Equality Toolkit: Includes information on sexual and gender-based violence and child protection.

Need to Know Guidance:

  • Working with persons with disabilities in forced displacement.Working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & intersex persons in forced displacement.

  • Working with national or ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities, and indigenous peoples in forced displacement.

  • Working with older persons in forced displacement.

Handbook and Guidelines on Procedures for Determining Refugee Status (RSD):

  • Includes considerations related to gender-related persecution within the context of Article 1A (2) of the 1951 Convention and/or its 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees.

GBV Prevention Facilitation Package:

  • Provides ready-to-go facilitation or self-study materials to build understanding and capacity in GBV primary prevention1.

Learning and Training:

  • GBV E-learning Levels 1-3 (Access limited to UNHCR or partners with L&C credentials).

  • Gender Equality E-learning (Access limited to UNHCR or partners with L&C credentials)2.

  • The UNHCR Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Prevention Facilitation Package is designed for UNHCR and partners' GBV specialists or Protection workforce with GBV responsibilities. The intended audience includes individuals with a solid understanding of GBV basic concepts and principles. Facilitators of the package are expected to be experienced GBV specialists.

GBV Prevention

  • The toolkit contributes to GBV prevention by educating specialists on root causes, prevention approaches, and programming elements.The primary objective of the package is to build understanding and capacity in GBV primary prevention. It aims to equip learners with an understanding of different approaches to GBV primary prevention and key elements of GBV prevention programming. The content covers root causes of GBV, introduction to GBV prevention approaches and principles, key elements of GBV prevention programming at UNHCR, as well as measuring outcomes and impact of GBV prevention programming.

Creating Normative Change

  • It aids in creating normative change by addressing issues such as gender inequality, the effectiveness of prevention activities, and analyzing gender and power dynamics. It focuses on empowering women and girls and involving men and boys in prevention efforts.

How it could be adapted to the communities

  • Incorporating cultural competency elements, language access considerations, and cultural sensitivity to address the specific challenges and contexts of these communities.


  • Building trust, Facilitation Package, GBV primary prevention, UNHCR GBV eLearning, Empowerment of women and girls, Engagement of men and boys, Action planning for GBV prevention.


A Future without Gender-Based Violence: Building Newcomer’s resilience through Community Education.


Trauma and Violence Informed Care Toolkit