Technology Safety For Virtual Conferences and Services: A Toolkit for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Publisher: The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

Date Published: 2020

Languages: English

General Guidelines for Technology Safety, including password safety and managing digital footprints.

Awareness and precautions against cyber abuse, digital stalking, and surveillance.

Recommendations on dealing with cyber abuse, emphasizing not responding, saving evidence, and seeking help.
"Netiquette" for attending virtual meetings, including considerations for location, background noise, and lighting.
Guidelines for virtual family court appearances, covering preparation, document review, and communication with lawyers.
Navigating interruptions from family or children during virtual court appearances.
Information about the Family Court Support Program and language interpreters.
Self-care strategies before and after virtual court appearances, along with safety planning resources.

Main Contribution

Development of a toolkit for survivors of gender-based violence to guide safe technology use, particularly in the context of virtual court proceedings during COVID-19.

  • The toolkit is designed for survivors of gender-based violence, especially those engaging in virtual court proceedings.

    1. As a comprehensive guide for survivors engaging in virtual court proceedings.

    2. To raise awareness about technology safety and prevention of gender-based violence.

    3. To educate individuals about the risks of cyber abuse and surveillance.

    4. For training professionals working with survivors of gender-based violence.

GBV Prevention

  • The toolkit addresses the increased use of technology in delivering support services, including court proceedings, with a focus on preventing gender-based violence.

Creating Normative Change

  • The toolkit promotes normative change by providing guidelines and resources to empower survivors, promote safety, and navigate technology use effectively.

How it could be adapted to the communities

  • The toolkit can be adapted to different communities by incorporating specific local resources, contacts, and legal information.

  • Translation services could be utilized to make the toolkit accessible to diverse linguistic communities.


  • Building trust, Technology Safety, Cyber Abuse, Virtual Court Proceedings, Family Court Support, Self-Care, Safety Planning, Gender-Based Violence.


Gathering Evidence for Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Applications: A Toolkit for Advocates Supporting Women Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


Talking to Kids about Sexual Violence (Trust & Religion)