Marriage Contract Toolkit

Publisher: The Canadian Council of Muslim Women CCMW

Date Published: 2019

Languages: English & French

Includes a marriage certificate, a sample Muslim marriage contract, and explanatory notes on each clause.
Encourages discussions between partners about the content of their marriage contract.

Advises seeking legal advice from a lawyer to ensure the contract aligns with their needs.

Main Contribution

Development of a kit to help couples use their heritage to define their marriage.
Focus on Muslim marriage contracts based on religious background.

  • Couples who are getting married soon or already married.

    Emphasis on having both a religious and civil marriage.

  • Couples can use the information in the kit and the sample contract to create a customized contract.

    Encourages open communication between partners and legal consultation for a comprehensive agreement.

GBV Prevention

  • The kit suggests ways to increase equality between a wife and husband in case of divorce.

  • Addresses gender inequality in traditional Muslim divorce practices.

Creating Normative Change

  • Challenges traditional Muslim divorce practices by suggesting ways to empower both spouses in divorce decisions.

  • Builds on the Muslim legal tradition, providing a link with the past to evaluate and enhance it.

How it could be adapted to the communities

  • The kit is adaptable to various Muslim communities, emphasizing the diversity within Muslim traditions.

  • The information can be used to create contracts rooted in the Muslim legal tradition but adaptable to contemporary needs.


  • Muslim marriage contract, Religious and civil marriage, Empowerment in divorce


A Toolkit for Advocates


Preventing and Responding to Gender-basedViolence in Faith-based Communities