Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Publisher: Duluth Model” is an ever-evolving way of thinking about how a community works together to end domestic violence.

Date Published:

Languages: English

The Duluth Model: A comprehensive approach involving understanding laws, policies, procedures, and building collaborations among agencies to make positive changes.Battering pattern: Represents the pattern of actions used to intentionally control or dominate an intimate partner.
Central theme: "Power and control" are at the center of the wheel, symbolizing the systematic use of threats, intimidation, and coercion by a batterer.

Main Contribution

Understanding Power and Control in different forms of Physical and Sexual Violence:
- Using Intimidation
- Using Emotional Abuse
- Using Isolation
- Minimizing, Denying and Blaming
- Using Children
- Using Male Privilege
- Using Economic Abuse
- Using Coercion and Threats

  • Intended Users: Service providers, counselors, therapists, lawyers, legal services and Facilitators

    1. Intake Form: Provides an intake form for those seeking support, ensuring confidentiality and sharing only with authorized individuals.

    2. Coordination: Connects Muslim women facing GBV with relevant services, including counseling, legal aid, and therapeutic support.

    3. Resource Hub: Acts as a resource hub for support organizations and professionals.

GBV Prevention

  • Criminal justice reform: Initiated in 1980 as a reform initiative, DAIP contributes to preventing domestic violence by addressing deficiencies in the criminal justice system.

  • Global impact: The Duluth Model, developed by DAIP, has evolved and spread globally, influencing programs and practitioners in domestic violence prevention.

  • Empowering victims: Offers resources such as the Power and Control Wheel to empower victims, allowing them to understand and articulate their experiences.

Creating Normative Change

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Promotes cultural sensitivity in addressing GBV, acknowledging unique challenges faced by Muslim women.

  • Identity Affirmation: Affirms identities and experiences of Muslim women, contributing to normative change by challenging stereotypes and biases.

How it could be adapted to the communities

  • Cultural Adaptability: Toolkit can be adapted to diverse Muslim communities with different cultural contexts.

  • Flexibility: Allows customization to address specific challenges faced by various Muslim populations.

  • Collaboration: Encourages collaboration with community leaders and organizations to tailor resources for specific needs.


  • The Duluth Model, Power and Control Wheel, Equality Wheel, Empowerment of victims, Cultural adaptation


Training and Curriculum Resources on GBV