Building capacity to support the mental health of immigrants and refugees: A toolkit for settlement, social and health service providers

Publisher: CAMH

Date Published: 2021

Languages: English

The UNHCR GBV Prevention Facilitation Package consists of three modules. Module 1 focuses on root causes of GBV, introduction to GBV prevention approaches and principles, key elements of GBV prevention programming at UNHCR, and measuring outcomes and impact. Module 2 delves into GBV primary prevention program models, emphasizing the empowerment and participation of women and girls, as well as men and boys' engagement. Module 3, optional, aims to support action planning on GBV prevention programming. Each module is divided into multiple sessions and includes PowerPoint presentations with facilitator notes and activity sheets with interactive exercises and scenarios.

Main Contribution

The toolkit is designed to provide settlement, social, and health service providers in Canada with essential information, tools, resources, and promising practices. Its aim is to build capacity for better supporting the unique mental health needs of immigrants and refugees.

    1. Settlement and Social Service Providers: This stream is intended for professionals conducting needs assessments, providing information, and facilitating referrals. Examples include community outreach facilitators, housing counselors, and employment facilitators.

    2. Health Service Providers: This stream targets those conducting mental health screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Professionals such as physicians, nurse practitioners, and psychologists/psychiatrists fall into this category.

  • The package is designed for facilitators to conduct workshops or for individuals to engage in self-study. Facilitators should be experienced GBV specialists, and learners are expected to complete UNHCR GBV eLearning Level 1 and Level 2 before undertaking a workshop based on this package.

GBV Prevention

  • The toolkit recognizes that immigrants and refugees often face similar mental health challenges, which can result from pre-migration traumatic experiences. It aims to provide the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to support their mental health during the post-migration period.

  • The primary objective of the package is to build understanding and capacity in GBV primary prevention. It aims to equip learners with an understanding of different approaches to GBV primary prevention and key elements of GBV prevention programming. The content covers root causes of GBV, introduction to GBV prevention approaches and principles, key elements of GBV prevention programming at UNHCR, as well as measuring outcomes and impact of GBV prevention programming.

Creating normative change

  • The emphasis on understanding root causes, prevention approaches, and principles contributes to fostering a comprehensive understanding of GBV prevention. By targeting specialists and those with GBV responsibilities, the package aims to build the capacity to implement effective GBV prevention programming.

How it could be adapted to the communities

  • The toolkit is designed to be used across Canada, but its principles and content can be adapted to fit the specific needs and characteristics of various communities and populations. Service providers can tailor their approaches to address the unique challenges and cultural factors within their respective communities. This adaptability ensures that the toolkit remains relevant and effective in diverse contexts.


  • Building trust, Mental health support, Service providers, Capacity building, Trauma and migration.


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